According to modern eyes, this is very a weird looking photograph. I cannot explain it. But it looks like a Falkirk team photo when they are wearing a very pale strip [probably blue]. It is definitely Falkirk FC, I could recognise several of these players in my sleep. No, from 'Slasher' Morrison [left of the goalie] through the legendary 'Jock' Simpson [lying on the ground, left] through 'Willy' Davidson [front row, right] through William Lieshman & Henry Collins just behind 'Skipper' Anderson [front, centre, ball between his feet] this is easily the Falkirk FC squad at the start of 1910/11.
But I just can not explain the strips they are wearing, especially for a staged club pic, it is obviously before a game as you can see the crowd behind. It is Brockville, every Falkirk fan close to my age and older would recognise that bit of the stand [even though I was only in the stand once in my life: I could see it the rest of the time] so it is clearly taken facing the Cooperage Lane End.